we bring peace of mind to your scheme
It's important that a whistleblowing scheme is peaceful and we can create that with our A-Z solution. There are a number of things to keep in mind when setting up the system. IT-wise, it's simple, but there's more to think about when you need to get things in place in the organization, but we've got that covered.
we help you when a crisis happens
The most important thing is that you are ready when a whistleblower report comes in, and for the vast majority of workplaces, it's not a question of if reports will come in, but only when. Here we are ready - both by monitoring your system, but also by processing the report, having a dialog with the whistleblower and providing a legal assessment.
what does the subscription include?
Whistle Tools manages the scheme, meaning you don't need to install the system, create user roles or have an administrator (admin).
System monitoring
We monitor the system 24/7 and receive alerts. This means you don't need to designate an employee to handle this task.
Handling of alerts
When we receive a report, we review it. Often there is missing information that is necessary to proceed. Therefore, we engage in an anonymous dialog with the whistleblower through our system and ask additional questions that can help shed light on the case.
Statutory receipts
According to the Whistleblower Act, the whistleblower must receive an acknowledgement of the report within 7 days.
Professional assessment
Our expert team of lawyers, accountants, occupational health and safety and communication experts will then assess the the reportDo you need need to be reviewed from A to Z? Should a suspension or dismissal be made? Is there anything that should be reported to the police? Is there any preparation needed in case the media discovers the matter?
Management consulting
Once our expert team has reviewed the report, they prepare a comprehensive report to management with recommendations on how to handle the matter.
Statutory feedback to management
According to the Whistleblower Act, a report must be prepared for the whistleblower within 3 months on what has happened to the case. We help with this and ensure that the whistleblower receives it via our system.
Access to our library
The subscription includes free access to all documents available in our Library:
- Information material for employees (employee handbook and to send)
- Information material for management and board (including a general description of the law)
- Updating GDPR documentation
- Legal documentation (a legal requirement and must be retained in case of an audit)
- Whistleblower policy
- Guidelines for HR
- The library will be regularly expanded with relevant material

Get in touch and let's talk about where you're at with your considerations.
Use the contact form below, write to kontakt@whistle.tools or call 4243 0745 (Denmark)
Hindegade 6
1303 Copenhagen K
Email: kontakt@whistle.tools
Phone +45 4243 0745