advice from the best

Meet our experts

Once we receive a report, we not only review it legally, we also involve our experienced experts as needed. For example, if it's a sexual harassment case, our occupational health and safety expert will be involved. 

Hans fogtdal

Hans Fogtdal

Lawyer (H). Expert in economic crime. Former deputy public prosecutor at SØIK (State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime). Commercial lawyer for 10 years at leading law firms in Copenhagen with the right to appear before the Supreme Court and 30 Supreme Court cases. Master's degree from New York University and work in Los Angeles. 

Author of Børskriminalitet from 2015, Børsstrafferet from 2017 and co-author of the book Politiklageordningen from 2012. Co-author of the new Commented Money Laundering Act.

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expert in working environment
Henrik gliese

Expert in working environment
Henrik Gliese

CEO and owner of ARBEJDSMILJØEksperten for almost 20 years, the company has branches all over Denmark. and advises on all types of work environment issues, from psychological work environment to biological, chemical, physical work environment.

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crisis communication expert
benny damsgaard

Crisis communication expert
Benny Damsgaard

Partner and CEO of conXus Public Affairs. Many years of experience with media crisis management at the top of business and politics. Among other things, former head of communications for the Conservative People's Party and political advisor to the CEO of the Confederation of Danish Industry. Since 2016, he has advised Danish and international clients on influencing the Danish political system and handling media crises.

He is a regular political commentator in a number of Danish media and an external lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. 

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Financial crime expert
Jakob Dedenroth Bernhoft

Financial crime expert
Jakob Dedenroth Bernhoft

Master of Laws and certified DPO (Data Protection Officer). Advisor on combating financial crime and money laundering. Since 2016, has developed and advised on whistleblower schemes and is CEO of Whistle Tools. Has been Head of Legal at FSR - Danish Auditors and KPMG as well as Head of Office at the Danish Bankers Association (now Finance Denmark) and Business Developer at Deloitte. 

He is often used in the media as an expert, where he has been quoted and appeared more than 2,500 times (cf. Infomedia).


Professional handling is essential

It is crucial that whistleblower cases are handled professionally and that irregularities are investigated and handled correctly. This is where our experts play a big role. Few organizations have specialists in all the areas that a whistleblowing case may cover. We do - and they are independent of the organization in question. 

Investigation and evidence gathering: Establishing the truth behind the whistleblower's claims can be a complex task. It often requires thorough investigation and evidence gathering, including documentation, witness statements and electronic evidence. 

Confidentiality and protection: The whistleblower has the right to remain anonymous or demand confidentiality in certain cases. This can make it challenging to handle and communicate about the case, especially when it involves sensitive information.

Ethical dilemmas: Organizations may face ethical dilemmas when dealing with whistleblower cases. This can include questions about how to balance the protection of the whistleblower with the interests of the organization, or how to handle conflicts between employees.

Law: Whistleblowing cases are often subject to complex legislation. It is important to understand and comply with the applicable laws and regulations to ensure the whistleblower is protected and the organization complies with its legal obligations.


Reputational challenges: Whistleblower cases can have significant reputational consequences for the organization. Managing media attention and public opinion requires strategic communication and crisis management skills.

Internal consequences: A whistleblower case can affect the internal dynamics and culture of the organization. It can lead to distrust, conflicts and changes in the work environment that the organization has to deal with.

Risk of litigation: Whistleblower cases may result in litigation in which the organization or the whistleblower may pursue their rights or alleged claims. This can result in significant legal and financial consequences.


get a service check

When implementing a whistleblowing scheme, it's a good time to consider if there are things that could work better. Do you have the work culture you want? Is there a reasonable control environment on the financial side? Is there an overview of the risks associated with running the business? Are you prepared to deal with the media if all hell breaks loose? 

It's all about nipping things in the bud, and the best thing is if the whistleblower scheme is not needed because things are working well. 

It's all about having a healthy company and a good work culture. It makes for happy and productive employees. It can help attract new employees and retain existing ones. It gives your company a good reputation.

Get in touch with our experts to find out how they can help you prevent whistleblowing cases from happening.